Welcome to ESVL!
Eudora Schools Virtual Learning Program is a 6-12 and adult learning virtual education experience. Students who fall under the following categories are eligible to apply for enrollment.
Kansas Students, 18 and under, who live within the USD 491 school district boundary or are approved for out-of-district attendance.
Kansas Students, 18 and under, in custody of DCF or JJA
Kansas students living in district designated to be removed from the traditional school building will be considered for virtual enrollment based on the students’ need or circumstances.
Kansas students who are 20 years and older on or before September 19th and whose cohort class has graduated. These students will be enrolled as adult learners, or grade 13.
Enrollment in Eudora Schools Virtual Learning begins at the same time as all schools in Eudora School District and ends on September 15. Acceptance into the program is contingent on approval of the USD 491 administration and the Director of Virtual and Alternative Learning. For questions or more information, please contact Jessica Johnson, Director of Virtual & Alternative Learning, at (785) 542-4989.